Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Crested Tit

The Crested Tit has a black and white striped face with a gray chest and a brown back. The upwardly pointing crest makes this cool bird look bigger than some of the other tits. This bird liks to breed in the winter and in forests. The Crested Tit lives in most of Europe. They are members of the tit family. Click this for more images. This was posted by birds rock.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Satin Flycatcher

The Satin Flycatcher is a small flycatcher with blue and black and white with a small crest The females are a duskier blue and black above, with an orange and red chin. This bird lives along the eastern coast of Australia and the south-eastern part of south Australia. The Satin Flycatcher is not a commonly seen species. The Leaden Flycatcher is very similar but the males have a less glossy head and throat. The Satin Flycatcher lives in the south-eastern part of Australia. They are members of the flycatcher family. Click this for link. Click this for more images. Posted by birds rock.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Superb Fairy-wren

The Superb Fairy-wren has a bright blue face with a black or brown back and white chest, the female has a red and gray face with a gray head and back and a white chest. Their nest is a dome-shaped structure of grasses and other fine material. It is usually placed in a low bush and it is constructed by the female. They can be seen in most habitat types. This bird lives in the south-eastern part or corner of south Australia. This bird is a member of the wren family. Click this for video. Posted by birds rock.

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Magpie Robin

The Magpie Robin is a black and white color the female is a gray and white color and is bigger than some of the other robins. This robin can be seen breeding in Asia. It is similar to the smaller European robin but it has a longer-tail. This bird lays 3-6 eggs. It lives in Asia. It is a member of the thrush and robin family. Click this for video. Posted by birds rock.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Collared Flycatcher

The Collared Flycatcher is a black bird with a white neck and chest and it has a white cap. This bird lays five to seven blue eggs. Pairs of breeding birds defend their territories. This specie breeds in most of Europe, and winters in the eastern parts of Africa. They are members of the flycatcher family. They live in Europe and eastern Africa. Posted by birds rock. Click this for video.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Ruby-crowned Kinglet

The Ruby-crowned Kinglet is next to the hummingbird, this is the smallest bird found in Florida. It is constantly on the move. Whenever it calls, it jerks its wings almost faster than can be seen. The ruby crown is seldom noticed, except in the spring when the male may display it to attract a female or to threaten another male. Like the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, it has a white eye-ring. It lives in the southeast and southwest part of the country. It is a member of the thrush family. posted by birds rock.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The African Paradise Flycatcher

The African Paradise Flycatcher is a white or light brown colored back and tail with a purple and black head and crest it has a long tail like the Scissor-tailed flycatcher or the Fork-tailed flycatcher this flycatcher is one many other paradise flycatchers . They live in the northern part of Africa. They are all members of the flycatcher family. posted by birds rock.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Ash-throated Flycatcher

The Ash-Throated Flycatcher is a medium-sized flycatcher with a brown and gray head and back and a ash colored throat and chest the juveniles tail is red-brown the females are similar. This bird is a member of the tyrant flycatcher family. It lives in the southwestern part of the country.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Long-tailed Tit

The Long-tailed Tit has a face like the Blue Tit but it is white with dark red and a black back and a long black tail. It lives in Europe. It is a member of the tit family. tits have a way of flight that other small birds have where they flap their wings in short bursts, and then rest and glide. This saves energy.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Eastern Yellow Robin

The Eastern Yellow Robin has a gray back and a yellow chest. It lives in the southeast part of Austraila. It is a member of the thrush family. It is one of meny other robins. Click this for video.